Please reach out to me via email at [email protected].
Lucas Moore

As the Effective Giving Global Coordinator and Incubator at Giving What We Can, my work is divided into two main categories:
- Coordination amongst existing and established effective giving organisations: I help existing effective giving organisations take advantage of collaboration opportunities that improve their operational effectiveness by utilising shared knowledge and resources. This includes facilitating communication between organisations, identifying opportunities for joint projects and initiatives, and encouraging the sharing of best practices and lessons learned.
- Incubation of new and early stage effective giving initiatives: I assist in the incubation of new effective giving projects. This includes providing support and guidance to individuals and groups who are interested in starting effective giving initiatives, helping them to develop their ideas, identify resources, get started and scale.
Public effective giving sector resource library
What I may be able to do for you:
I am committed to supporting the effective giving ecosystem. As such I may be able to help you in the following ways:
- Provide context about the global effective giving ecosystem. I am particularly interested in understanding the context in which your project or problem exists, including how it fits into the broader landscape of effective giving initiatives and organisations. To this end, I may ask you questions such as:
- What are your goals for this project, and how do they fit into the broader landscape of effective giving?
- How do you see your project contributing to the overall mission of effective giving?
- What challenges are you or do you anticipate facing, and how do you plan to address them?
- Are these challenges specific to your organisation/situation or might they be more general?
- What kind of support or resources do you need in order to be successful?
- How might you be able to work better with the broader effective giving community to create synergies and collaborate on shared goals?
- Share informational resources. As the effective giving community grows, we have an ever-increasing bank of case studies, charity profiles, tech resources, databases (e.g. potential hires), and examples people can learn from. I can share these resources with you and help you identify the most useful elements.
- Review project proposals related to effective giving. I can offer limited guidance on your proposal and potentially pass it on to others who might have more insight.
- Introduce you to contacts in effective giving. I can potentially make introductions to useful contacts within the effective giving ecosystem, including other organisations, individuals, and experts. Often, someone else is going to provide you with much better advice and more relevant expertise, so getting you in contact with them is the highest value thing I can do.
- Provide funding leads. I can potentially provide you with some leads to follow-up with about getting funding, including individuals and organisations that may be interested in supporting your project. While I cannot make any guarantees about the success of these efforts, I can offer some guidance on how to approach potential funders and how to present your project in a compelling way.
- Schedule a call (Calendly). I’d love to spend some time trying to understand what you're doing or want to do and how it might fit into the broader effective giving ecosystem as a whole. During this call, we can consult on your project, look for synergies and potential for collaboration with others in the effective giving space, and think about possible introductions we could make for one another that could be highly impactful. In general, I think that it can be quite useful to touch base if we haven’t met before/spoken about this particular project, so I don’t think the bar should be too high for jumping on an exploratory call.
- Timely follow-up. I will do my best to follow up with you on any action points within one week via email. Sometimes it may take longer than that if I am especially busy, so if your request is time-sensitive, please indicate its urgency, and I'll do my best to address it promptly.
I generally try to prioritise doing things that can benefit multiple organisations / the whole ecosystem rather than working on any organisation-specific requests. As such, I cannot always help as much as I would like, however, I do hope that what I can offer will be of value to you.
Last updated 05/24