Please reach out to me via email at [email protected].

Lucas Moore

Lucas Moore


As the Partnerships Manager at Giving What We Can, I work to support:

  1. Coordination amongst existing and established effective giving organisations: I help existing effective giving organisations take advantage of collaboration opportunities that improve their operational effectiveness by utilising shared knowledge and resources. This includes facilitating communication between organisations, identifying opportunities for joint projects and initiatives, and encouraging the sharing of best practices and lessons learned.
  2. Incubation of new and early stage effective giving initiatives: I assist in the incubation of new effective giving projects. This includes providing support and guidance to individuals and groups who are interested in starting effective giving initiatives, helping them to develop their ideas, identify resources, get started and scale.

Public effective giving sector resource library

What I may be able to do for you:

I am committed to supporting the effective giving ecosystem. As such I may be able to help you in the following ways:

I generally try to prioritise doing things that can benefit multiple organisations / the whole ecosystem rather than working on any organisation-specific requests. As such, I cannot always help as much as I would like, however, I do hope that what I can offer will be of value to you.

Last updated 03/25