Giving What We Can aims to create a snapshot of the effective giving ecosystem. The idea is to collect data on the amount of money moved through the ecosystem each year so we can identify trends within the EG ecosystem both on volume and type of giving (e.g. to which cause areas), see how we fit into global fundraising trends, and publicly celebrate the success of our collective work.

The per-organisation snapshot will only be shared among organisations in the effective giving ecosystem. This is to avoid any confused comparisons between the various organisations, given "money moved" (as defined below) would not be the correct metric to assess the impact that the organisation is having. The per-organisation snapshot will feed into an update GWWC will provide at the 2024 Effective Giving Summit on the state of the effective giving ecosystem.

Only an aggregated snapshot for the ecosystem as a whole may be shared publicly. Here we plan create a Forum post on ‘Historical effective giving fundraising data’ similar to this post by Tyler Maule (who may be involved in presenting the data that we collect here and has signed an NDA).

Money moved: For the purposes of this snapshot, "money moved" refers to funds donated directly to your organisation's accounts by a donor, with a high-impact destination by your organisation’s definition.

This includes e.g.

This excludes e.g.

The rationale behind the above definition is (1) to avoid double counting and (2) to have a metric that each organisation should easily be able to provide data on.

Optionally, you are invited to additionally provide any further information you think relevant on the money influenced by your organisation**,** particularly if you expect your money influenced and money moved to strongly come apart. Please clearly separate this from the data you provide on money moved and specify what the data you are sharing refers to.

Please upload your data in your own tab into this spreadsheet [NOT PUBLIC] as Giving What We Can and others have already done (you'll need to request access). Please do not edit the overview tabs.

Confidentiality: Please do not share this spreadsheet with anyone outside of your organisation.