This page provides an overview of the gaps in the current evaluation landscape, as well as geographical and interest-specific fundraising initiatives, global tax-deductibility coverage, and critical gaps in global fundraising efforts.

A thriving effective giving ecosystem consists of:

  1. High-impact funding opportunities (identified by Charity Evaluators and Public Funds)
  2. Funding for these opportunities (secured by Fundraising Organisations)

Below, the current state of each is mapped out, and gaps are highlighted.

Table of contents

The High-Impact Funding Opportunity Landscape

MVP evaluator database

Cause specific funding opportunity evaluators

Cause Area Charity Evaluator(s) Public Fund(s)
EA Meta ~ - EA Infrastructure Fund

Location specific funding opportunity evaluators

Location Charity Evaluator
Israel Maximum Impact
China CharityBox
Brazil doebem

<aside> 〰️ Gaps in the landscape


<aside> ❌ High priority gaps in the landscape


The High-Impact Fundraising Landscape

Effective giving sector overview

Tax deductibility coverage map

For the latest information check tax deductibility of donations by country on the GWWC website.

For the latest information check tax deductibility of donations by country on the GWWC website.